12 SL Properties of the Derivative

Have a look at the questions in the section below prior to tomorrow’s class, and we’ll be working on these during part of tomorrow’s class.

Exercise 15A questions 1aejno, 2ab, 3bf, 4abc, 5, 7.

11 HL Combinations and Permutations

Here is a (fairly long!) list of questions to work on before our next class.

You don’t need to complete all of these (we’ll continue with this material next class), but make sure you try at least one question from each section.

8A 2, 3, 6
8B 2
8C.1 3, 5ag
8C.2 2
8D 3, 5, 10
8E 3, 4, 9, 10

11 HL Polynomials Test

On Friday, September 22nd, we’ll have a test on polynomials (and complex numbers). As with all tests, some questions will require familiarity with past course material, and you may want to review your notes on transformations.

In order to prepare for the test, the exercises listed below would be a good start. Note that you may find additional questions in the materials available on the HL Resources page.

Review Set 6A questions 3–5, 9, 11–13, 16, and 17.

11 SL From Graph to Equation

After spending some time on completing the square, we were just able to get started on producing the equation of a function when given its graph.

You should complete pages 39–40 (Exercise 1D) questions 1, 2, 3abf, and 4aef for tomorrow’s lesson.

If you’d like to get a head start on the next bit of material, you can read ahead and try page 42 (Exercise 1E) question 1ad.

11 SL Graphs of Quadratic Functions

Complete the following questions before our class tomorrow.

Pages 35–36 1adg, 2ace, 3ae
Page 37 1adg, 2, 3

If you want to get a head start on tomorrow’s material, you can also look at the questions below.

Pages 39–40 1, 2, 3abf, 4aef

12 SL The Derivative

In today’s class we saw that, given the function \(f(x)=x^2\), we could use a limit to show that the slope of the tangent at any point on that function could be calculated using \(2x\). This new function is called the derivative of \(f\), and \(f'(x)\) is typically used to represent that new function.

So, if \(f(x)=x^2\), we have shown that \(f'(x)=2x\).

Read Section E on pages 355–357, paying particular attention to the examples (which essentially follow the method we used in class).

Complete questions 1, 2, 5cd and 6 on page 357.

11 HL Challenge

Have a look at the questions in the PDF file here, and try to complete both questions before our next class. (Note that this is an optional homework assignment, so while I would encourage you all to try the questions, you need not complete them both.)

In addition to the mathematical content, your emphasis should also be on clarity of communication.