12 SL Explorations

We’re now beginning work on the SL Mathematical Exploration. A number of resources (a student guide, the marking criteria, and some additional notes on the criteria) are available for download from the SL Resources page, along with some sample explorations that we’ll be looking at in our next class.

Important Dates

October 20th: First Draft Due
November 2nd: Final Draft Due

11 HL Induction (Continued)

Work on the following questions for tomorrow’s class. You don’t need to complete all of these, but try to complete at least one from each section.

Exercise 9B.2 1d, 2b, 6, 10, 11, 12B
Exercise 9B.3 2ab, 3

Also, make sure you see the updated test information here.

Challenge Question: Prove that an arithmetic sequence with first term \(a_1\) and common difference \(d\) is such that
