12 SL Descriptive Statistics

Read sections 20A and 20B in our textbook (these are fairly lengthy sections), paying particular attention to the definitions of statistical terms. What’s a discrete variable? What’s a continuous variable? What’s a histogram? What does it mean to say that a distribution is positively skewed? We can discuss any questions you have about these terms in our class on Monday.

Then, complete the following questions.

Exercise 20A questions 1 and 2
Exercise 20B.1 question 2, 5, 8, 11, 12

12 HL The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Despite the title, I’m also going to suggest some loosely related reading for you to complete over the weekend, along with a few questions focused on the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

I suggest you read (in the Haese Calculus book) sections A and B, paying particular attention to rules for working with absolute value expressions, and the squeeze theorem for functions (we’ll see this theorem again, recast in terms of sequences, later in the course).

It’s also worthwhile to have a look at Section G in the Haese book, which should be a review of what we’ve discussed about the Riemann definition of the definite integral.

Finally, complete the following questions for our next class (again, from the Haese book).

Exercise H, questions 1, 2, 4, 8, 10

9 Extended: Simultaneous Equations Part 1

Complete the following questions before our next class.

Exercise 16A.1 question 2b
Exercise 16A.2 questions 1b, 2a
Exercise 16B questions 1def, 2abc (these are similar to what we did in class—substitute in one equation to get one equation with a single variable, solve for that variable, then use one of the original equations to solve for the remaining variable)
Exercise 16C questions 1abc, 2def, 3