Complete the following exercises before our next class.
Exercise 9C.1 question 1 (pick any two points to calculate the gradient of a line segment)
Exercise 9C.2 questions 1, 2, 3ab
Complete the following exercises before our next class.
Exercise 9C.1 question 1 (pick any two points to calculate the gradient of a line segment)
Exercise 9C.2 questions 1, 2, 3ab
Read the material in Section 9B of our textbook (which introduces a method you can use to find the midpoint of two points), then complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 9B questions 1, 2abcd, 4, 5
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 9A questions 1abcdh, 2, and 3a
Complete the following questions before class on Monday.
Exercise 13B questions 1–4, 7, 8, 11, and 13
(Also try question 15 if you’re up for a challenge!)
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 13A.1 questions 1 and 2a
Exercise 13A.2 question 2abcgji
Exercise 13A.3 questions 1–3
Complete the following questions before next class.
Exercise 4E questions 1–3, 5, and 6
We’ve now looked at examples of sums and products involving radicals. Complete the questions below before our next class.
Exercise 4C questions 1–4 all
Exercise 4D questions 1–6 (odd letters only—so do parts a, c, e, etc.)
Also, here are some links to videos that you might find helpful if you get stuck.
Adding and Subtracting Radicals Video
Multiplying Radicals Video
Complete the questions below before our next class.
Exercise 4B questions 1–3
Complete the following questions before our next class on Friday.
Exercise 4A questions 1–5
Complete the following questions before our next class. We’ll also have a brief quiz on Sets during that class, so answering these questions will be a good way to prepare!)
Exercise 2E questions 1–5
Exercise 2F.1 questions 1–8