Complete the following questions before our class next week.
Exercise 13B questions 1–5
Complete the following questions before our class next week.
Exercise 13B questions 1–5
Complete the following questions before our class next week.
19D.1 questions 1, 2ce, 3ce, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13
19D.2 questions 1 and 2
Take the night off, SL Math students!
(Of course, feel free to read Section 13B, which we’ll be looking at on Friday; questions will be posted here after class on Friday.)
Update: The questions are now available here.
Complete the following questions before our next class.
19A questions 1acf, 2cd, 4, 10, 12, 18
19B questions 2hjk, 4, 6, 8ab
19C questions 1, 2egj, 3, 4b, 8de, 9, 14