11 SL: Completing the Square

Complete the questions below before our next class.

Red Textbook:
Exercise 4D.2 questions 2d, 3a

Black Textbook:
Exercise 2B.2 questions 1adg, 2acdef
Exercise 2B.3 questions 1egi, 2adghi

11 SL: Solving Quadratic Equations (Part 1)

Complete the questions below before our next class.

(Red textbook)
Exercise 4B questions 1abc, 2dg
Exercise 4D.1 questions 1ad, 2dg, 3dg, 4e

Now look through the exercises listed below.

Exercise 4A questions 1d, 2dg
Exercise 4C questions 2eg

If you know how to solve these questions (from Section 4A and 4C) you can skip them, but if you’re not sure how to solve them, make sure you give them a try.

12 SL: Normals

Complete the following questions before our next class.

Exercise 13A questions 2ae, 9, 18
Exercise 13B questions 1ce, 3bcd

Also, you should come to class next week with three candidate Exploration topics.

12 HL: Tangents & Normals

Complete the following questions before our next class.

Exercise 18A questions 2f, 9, 12, 14d, 19c
Exercise 18B questions 1g, 3, 4k, 9 (9 is a challenge question)