11 HL: The Definition of the Derivative

Complete the following questions (and any others you haven’t finished) before class on Tuesday.

Exercise 16A.1 question 2
Exercise 16A.2 questions 1 and 3 (read, but don’t complete, question 4)
Exercise 16C question 3ab
Exercise 16D question 3
Exercise 16E questions 2 and 7

11 HL: Introduction to Derivatives

Using the method presented in class, calculate the derivative of \(f(x)=x^2\) at the point \(x = 5\).

Bonus (as suggested by Amin): Using that same method, can you find an expression equal to the derivative of \(f(x)=x^2\) at the point \(x=a\)?

11 HL: Limits at Infinity

Complete the following questions before our next class. Before completing these questions, make sure you read section 15C in the textbook.

Exercise 15C questions 2ade, 4, 5

11 HL: Limits and Continuity

Complete the following questions before our next class. You’ll find it helpful to read textbook sections 15B and 15E.

Exercise 15B questions 2, 4, 5, 6, 8
Exercise 15E questions 1, 2, 4abde, 5a