12 HL: Working with Maclaurin Series

Complete the following questions before our next class.

Exercise 24C question 1
Exercise 24D question 1b
Exercise 24E question 3 (this should now be review), 5
Exercise 24F questions 1, 3
Exercise 24G question 1, 3, 6

11 SL: Double-Angle and other Trigonometric Identities

Complete some of the questions below before our next class (at least one question from each section would be a good start.)

(black textbook)
Exercise 9C.1 questions 2abd, 3ag
Exercise 9C.2 questions 1adgj, 2d
Exercise 9C.3 questions 1adg, 3ad, 4ac
Exercise 9D questions 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12a

12 SL: Introduction to Statistics

Complete the following before our next class (all from the red textbook).

Read Chapter 11 of the red textbook and come prepared with any questions you have about that material. Pay particular attention to 11B (the definitions in 11A for types of sampling error are less critical, but you should be able to recognize when a sample is likely to be biased).

Exercise 11D questions 2 and 4
Exercise 11F question 1

Exercise 12A questions 2b and 13
Read section 12B.
Exercise 12C questions 2 and 5
Exercise 12D questions 6 and 7