12 SL Linear Regression

After our overview of linear regression today, complete the following questions before our next class.

Exercise 21B questions 1
Exercise 21D questions 3 and 4
Exercise 21E questions 4, 5, and 6

11 SL The Unit Circle Part 2

Now that we’ve covered the unit circle definitions together, complete the following questions before next class.

Exercise 8C questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 (this was already assigned last week,  so make sure these are done for our next lesson)
Exercise 8E questions 1 and 2 (use the “new” definition \(\tan \theta =\frac{\sin \theta}{\cos \theta}\))

11 SL The Unit Circle

For years now you’ve been told that trigonometry is “all about triangles,” but now we’re going to make it “all about circles!”

Read through Section C of Chapter 8, then try the questions listed below. (We’ll be continuing with this material on Monday, but try to get as far as you can on your own before that class.)

Exercise 8C questions 1, 2, 3, and 4


12 SL Descriptive Statistics

Over the next two classes this week, you should be working on the following questions. (Check this list again on Wednesday, as more questions may be added!)

Note that some questions will require you to do some reading in the textbook. If you get stuck and can’t proceed, write a question in the comments section below.

Exercise 20B.1 questions 1a, 3, 11, 15
Exercise 20B.2 questions 4, 9
Exercise 20B.3 question 3
Exercise 20C questions 1a, 3, 4
Exercise 20D questions 1, 3, 4, 6, 8
Exercise 20E questions 2, 3, 5
Exercise 20F.1 questions 1, 2, 4, 5
Exercise 20F.3 questions 1, 4

11 SL Radians

Complete the following questions before our next class.

Exercise 8A 1abcdghim, 2abc, 3abcdfgh, 4abc
Exercise 8B 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12

11 SL The Binomial Theorem

Complete the following exercises before our next class.

Exercise 7A questions 1a, 2abfgh
Exercise 7B questions 2ac, 3b, 4c
Exercise 7C questions 1ab, 2abd, 3, 4acd, 5a, 7a

11 HL Planes and Matrices

  1. Use row reduction to express the matrix below in row echelon form (or reduced row echelon form).
    1 & 3 & -2 & 4 \\
    -2 & -6 & 4 & 9 \\
    2 & 1 & 1 & -2
  2. Use row reduction to express the matrix below in row echelon form (or reduced row echelon form).
    1 & 3 & -2 & 4 \\
    -2 & -6 & 4 & 8 \\
    2 & 1 & 1 & -2