12 SL: Compound Interest

Finish all previously assigned questions, as well as the questions listed below (some of this may require you to read through the relevant sections of the textbook).

Exercise 5E.1 questions 1, 5, 6, 9

(If you want to get a head start on tomorrow’s material, you can have a look at the questions below.)

Exercise 5E.2 question 1
Exercise 5E.3 question 2
Exercise 5E.4 question 2
Exercise 5E.5 questions 3, 5, 7, 11

11 SL: Periodic Functions

First, read section 8A, then complete

Exercise 8A questions 1 and 2
Exercise 8B question 2

You can work with a partner, but make sure that both of you have a copy of the work you’ve done!

12 HL: Intro to Conditional Probability

Try to get as far as you can through the questions listed below. (Don’t worry if you get stuck, we’ll discuss this material again tomorrow.)

Exercise 11H questions 2, 3, 4, 7, 10
Exercise 11I questions 1, 2, 6, 8, 9

12 HL Introduction to Probability

I’m away this week, so during this week’s class you should do some reading in the (blue) textbook and try to get as far as you can through the list of questions below.

Exercise 11B question 2
Exercise 11C question 4
Exercise 11D questions 5 and 21
Exercise 11E questions 1 and 5
Exercise 11F questions 1, 2, 5, 8
Exercise 11G questions 5, 7