Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 17A.1 question 2 (think back to the definition of the derivative here)
Exercise 17A.2 questions 1 and 2
Exercise 17B questions 1, 2 and 7
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 17A.1 question 2 (think back to the definition of the derivative here)
Exercise 17A.2 questions 1 and 2
Exercise 17B questions 1, 2 and 7
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 16D.1 questions 2cf, 3efh, 9
Exercise 16D.2 questions 1, 2
Review Set 16C question 13
Complete the following questions before tomorrow’s class.
Exercise 16C questions 1, 2aceg, 4–7, 8bc, 12
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 16A questions 2cd, 4, 10, 12, 18
Exercise 16B questions 1, 2fklp, 4, 6
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 15F questions 1adgjn, 2adghi, 3abc, 4, 5
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 15E questions 1aeimnop, 2abcdefgh, 4, 5
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 15D questions 1abf, 2ad, and 4
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 15C questions 2–5.
Complete the following questions before tomorrow’s class.
Exercise 15B.2 questions 1ad, 2abcdfi, 3acef, 4, 5
Complete the following before tomorrow’s class.
Exercise 15A questions 1aejno, 2ab, 3bf, 4abc, 5, 6abf.