Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 11 C.1 questions 2ghijkl, 3, 4
Exercise 11 C.2 questions 2, 3
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 11 C.1 questions 2ghijkl, 3, 4
Exercise 11 C.2 questions 2, 3
Complete the following question before our next class.
Exercise 11B question 4
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 11A.3 questions 1ac, 2bc, 6abcdefhi
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 11A.2 (use a calculator for these) questions 1 and 2
Exercise 11A.3 (don’t use a calculator for these) questions 1b and 2a
You should have the following questions completed by the end of class on Monday, April 8th. (In order to complete these, you may also find it helpful to read the textbook material in Sections B to F in the textbook.) Yes, there are lots of questions, but you’ve got lots of time!
One formula that you should have in your notes (this was discussed in our last class), is the formula to find the value of \(b\) that will change the period (of either \(f(x)=\sin (bx)\) or \(f(x)=\cos (bx)\)) to a desired value. That formula is given below.
Exercise 10B.1 questions 1–4
Exercise 10B.2 questions 1–3, 4acegi
Exercise 10C questions 3–5
Exercise 10D questions 1adgi, 2, 3, 4
Exercise 10E questions 1–3
Exercise 10F questions 1, 2c, 3, 4ce, 4, 6ace, 7, 8
In class today we saw that the graph of the sine function will be periodic (though we didn’t introduce that term). Read Section 10A to find the definition of a periodic function, then complete the question below.
Exercise 10A question 1
Complete the following questions before our next class (Period 2 on the first day back after the break!).
Exercise 8D.1 questions 4–5
Exercise 8E questions 3–5 (do question 5 without using a calculator—find the reference angles)
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 8C questions 2, 3, and 4
Exercise 8D.1 questions 1, 2, 3
Exercise 8E questions 1 and 2
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 8A questions 1–3
Exercise 8B questions 1, 2, 5, 8, 12
Exercise 8C question 1
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 7A questions 2def, 3, 4b, 6b, 7, 8
Exercise 7B questions 4, 5a
Exercise 7C questions 1, 3, 4a