Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 21F questions 12ad, 17, 18bd
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 21F questions 12ad, 17, 18bd
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 21E questions 1, 4, 6
Exercise 21F questions 3, 4ce, 5dgi, 6b, 7d, 10a (challenge)
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 21B questions 1gij, 2ad, 3ad, 4dgh, 6de, 7g, 8cd, 13
Exercise 21C 1ac, 3, 5, 7bce
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 21A questions 2–4, 8–10, 12efi
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 19B questions 7, 8, 12, 24
Exercise 19C questions 2, 4, 9, 10, 13, 19
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 19A questions 1, 2, 4, 9, 12, 15
Complete at least the questions from the first exercise below before our next class.
Exercise 18E questions 1, 2, 5, 7acef, 8
Exercise 18F questions 1, 2adh, 4, 6, 8
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 18D questions 1, 2abe, 6, 8ac, 10, 16, 17
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 18C questions 3, 4f, 5, 7, 10fgh
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 18A questions 2f, 9, 12, 14d, 19c
Exercise 18B questions 1g, 3, 4k, 9 (9 is a challenge question)