The question we discussed in class today is included below. If you didn’t get the answer in class, try to see if you can complete it now.
12 HL: l’Hôpital’s Rule
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 18H questions 1a–d, 2, 4, 6a, 7, 10, 11 (the last two are challenge questions—give them a try!)
12 HL: Derivatives and Graphs of Functions
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 18F question 10
Exercise 18G questions 1–3
12 HL: Concavity and Points of Inflection
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 18E questions 1, 2, 5, 7acef, 8
Exercise 18F questions 1, 2adh, 4, 6, 8
12 HL: Stationary Points
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 18D questions 1, 2abe, 6, 8ac, 10, 16, 17
12 HL: Tangents, Normals, and Increasing/Decreasing Functions
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 18A questions 1, 3ac, 5, 15, 25, 32
Exercise 18B questions 1efg, 5
Exercise 18C questions 4abdfh, 6, 10abe
12 HL: Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 17H questions 1, 3b, 4cf, 5ef, 7
12 HL: Implicit Differentiation
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 17J questions 1dgij, 2bcfkn, 3–5, 8
12 HL: Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 17G.1 questions 1adfghi, 2adgkn, 3aef, 7
Exercise 17G.2 questions 1, 2aef, 3aghi
12 HL: Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
Complete the following questions before our next class.
Exercise 17F.1 questions 1akn, 2, 4bde, 7, 10
Exercise 17F.2 questions 1de, 2ae, 3ad, 5