11 HL Vectors

Here is the (long) list of questions we were working on today. Try to have most of these completed before our lesson tomorrow (note that no additional questions were added to the list).

Exercise 14A.2 question 2
Exercise 14B.1 question 2
Exercise 14B.3 question 2
Exercise 14B.4 question 5
Exercise 14C questions 1e, 2c
Exercise 14D questions 2ab, 5
Exercise 14E questions 1ab, 4bc, 7abh, 9
Exercise 14F questions 1ab, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8
Exercise 14G questions 3, 6, 10, 11, 16

11 HL Trigonometry with Triangles Test

On Friday, December 8th we’ll have our test on trigonometry with triangles (Chapter 11). I recommend selecting questions from the end of chapter review sets, along with questions from the the end of Chapter 8 from the Pearson textbook.