11 HL: More Vectors!

Complete the following questions before our next class. (Use your discretion when choosing which questions to answer—feel free to skip those that you are absolutely certain you can answer with ease.)

Exercise 12F questions 1, 5b, 6bc, 8ab, 9a
Exercise 12G questions 2abef, 3abef, 4a
Exercise 12H questions 1abd, 2ab, 3a
Exercise 12I questions 2, 5, 6a, 12, 14, 18, 21, 26

11 HL: Magnitude & Vectors in 3D

Complete the following questions before our next class.

Exercise 12C questions 1ace, 2, 4, 6b
Exercise 12D questions 1ab, 2bc, 4cde, 5
Exercise 12E questions 1abf, 4acd, 6a, 7abfg, 8b