If you have any questions concerning the mock exam material, you can post them in the comments section below.
Our exams are on Monday Period 4 (paper 1, no calculator) and Tuesday P1 (paper 2).
Good luck!
If you have any questions concerning the mock exam material, you can post them in the comments section below.
Our exams are on Monday Period 4 (paper 1, no calculator) and Tuesday P1 (paper 2).
Good luck!
Sir, how do I pass?
Review all questions from the tests you’ve written in the course, do as many of the IB past paper questions (from our textbook) that you can, and get a good sleep the night before the mock exams.
Remember, you know all you need to know in order to answer every single question in the exams. Don’t panic if you don’t immediately see how to answer a question (time spent not writing is not necessarily wasted time), and try your best to write something for every question, as there are often a lot of marks available in the first few steps of an answer.
Thank you very much.
sir is the paper 1 and 2 out of 120 each?
and what is the grade boundary for a level 5 and level 6
has anyone done question 39 and 50 on page 698
i mean 40. not 50
question 39 and 40