11 HL Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Equations

Complete the following exercises before our next class (after the break).

Exercise Set 13A.3 questions 6bdij and 12

Also, have a look at the question below (which was discussed in class). It was mentioned in class that a solution can be found (to both parts!) without a calculator. Can you figure it out over the break?

\[\arctan\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)-\arctan\left(\frac{1}{3}\right) = \arctan(a), a \in \mathbb{Q}^+\]

  1. Find the value of \(a\).
  2. Hence, or otherwise, solve the equation \(\arcsin (x)=\arctan(a)\).

I’ll post a hint in the comments below [update: one error in that comment has been corrected, and the hint has been extended]—you may find it useful.

2 Replies to “11 HL Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Equations”

  1. Let \(x=\arctan\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)\). Then \(\tan(x)=\frac{1}{2}\). Since the range of the arctangent function is \(]-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}[\), and the input is positive, we also know that \( 0 < x < \frac{\pi}{2}\). So, it's appropriate to consider a right triangle with angle \(x\). Such a triangle can be constructed with an opposite side length of \(1\) and an adjacent side length of \(2\); similarly for \(y=\arctan\left(\frac{1}{3}\right)\).

  2. Also, Sam suggested an even more direct solution that makes use of the compound angle formula for the tangent function. Can you also find a solution that uses that formula?

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