11 HL: End-of-Year Exam

When is the exam?

The exam is on the morning of Monday, May 27th, and will consist of one 2-hour long exam paper.

What will the exam be like?

  • The exam will be out of approximately 110 marks.
  • An (approved) calculator is required.
  • Have a blue or black pen, pencils, an eraser, and a ruler.
  • The IB Mathematics AA HL Formula Booklet (this will be provided).

How much is the exam worth?

The final grade in Grade 11 Higher Level Mathematics Analysis and Approaches is based on the IB level bands. Your exam result will be one (among many) components of your end-of-year course grade.

What will be on the exam?

The exam will be based on all of the course material that we’ve covered up to this point. Using the IB topic numbering (note that some topics have not yet been covered, and the end-of-year test will only test you on material we have covered), this includes:

  • Topic 1 – Number & Algebra (exponents, logarithms, sequences and series, complex numbers, polynomials, the binomial theorem, proofs by induction, contradiction, and counterexample, systems of equations, etc.)
  • Topic 2 – Functions and equations (transformations, composition, inverse functions, quadratics, rational functions, exponential functions, inequalities, etc.)
  • Topic 3 – Geometry and trigonometry (unit circle definitions, radian measure, identities, inverse and reciprocal functions, vector equations of lines and planes, magnitude, dot and cross products, etc.)
  • Topic 5 – Calculus (limits, tangents and normals, etc.)*

*The amount of calculus that appears on the exam will depend on how much we cover in class prior to the exam.

How should I study for the Math 11 HL exam?

  • Do as many practice problems as you can, the more practice the better. Review question sets have been distributed for each of the topics we’ve covered, and these should be your principal resource when preparing for the exam. Also make use of the relevant end-of-chapter Review Set questions, and other resources that are made available.
  • Check your answers as you go along. Get help if you have any questions! I’m happy to meet with you should you have any questions, just send me an email (or ask in class), and we’ll arrange a time to meet.
  • Review your notes and tests, and make sure you’re familiar with the relevant terminology.

12 SL: Variance & Standard Deviation

Complete the following questions before our next class.

(red textbook)
Exercise 12J questions 1, 3, 6, 13, 17 (13 and 17 are challenge questions)

Also (while we almost got to this yesterday), we can also calculate the variance and standard deviation (and the mean value) for a binomial distribution (which then answers the question: if we were to repeat this experiment several times, how “spread out” would our results be?). The formulas for these are given in the textbook (and the formula booklet). All you need to know is when (and how) to use them. See the questions below.

(black textbook)
20F questions 2, 4, 5